
Adult Webcam Humor

You know you’ve been on webcams too long when…

-your largest type of wardrobe clothing is lingerie.

-you’re wondering if you’ll ever have a long-term relationship again.

-you’re not surprised when a client offers you money for doing an “offline show”.

-using over-the-top dirty, vulgar speech is everyday language for you now.

-you no longer do cyber-sex for free.

-you start to think of sex as more and more of a business.

-you start visiting sex shops regularly.

-you don’t feel insulted being called a slut or whore.

-you start to seriously consider taking a sex class.

-you begin to think of other sex workers in the world as fellow kindred spirits.

-getting nude in front of strangers of the opposite sex is no big deal to you anymore.

-you start spending more and more time getting naked during the day.

-lighting and camera shots/angles are more important to you than ever before.

-you worry about being shut down by right-wing conservatives because this is how you really make a living now.

-you start thinking of fake jobs to tell people in case someone asks what you do for a living.

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