
Boobs that Get Plastic Tits

It never ceases to amaze me how many men (especially American men), love webcam girls with fake, plastic boobs. Hey guys, if you love that so much, how about having the whole body fake: Fake legs, fake arms, fake torso, fake head, fake pussy, fake ass…Then she’ll be perfect for you!

Many women sex workers just don’t want to be real anymore. Guys want fantasy, and the women are dumb enough to no longer want to be real permanently in order to please men who are looking for fantasy bodies. How sad.

Wearing make-up is bad enough, but going to extreme measures to surgically fuck-up the body is a pathetic way to please people and make money.

Yes, it’s their body to do as they please with it–to each their own–but it’s still a dumb-ass thing to do.

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